Personal Mid Year Review in 5 Steps (Free Notion Template)

Personal Mid Year Review Notion Template

HAY, how art you? The first half of the year practically whizzed by! It is now the perfect time for a personal mid-year review to reflect on the past six months, and recalibrate your goals for the second half of the year. You will find the link to a free personal mid-year review Notion template at the end of this article. Even if you are not a Notion user, you can still follow these five steps to do the same mid-year review using other mediums. Read on to know more!


See the Mid Year Review Notion Template in Action

Check out the following video for a short introduction on the process and template:

Personal Mid Year Review Step 1: Reflection

The first step is to reflect on the first half of the year, and list down all milestones as well as challenges in two separate lists. If your memory of the past six months is already fuzzy like mine, you can look through resources like your bullet journal, planner, calendar, photos or even social media accounts to jog your memory. 

Often, I have the feeling that I didn’t achieve much. However, this exercise would lead me to discover little wins that would have otherwise gone unnoticed, and make me realise that things are not as bad as I have imagined. 

Personal Mid Year Review Step 2: Review

Personal Mid Year Review Step 2

The second step is Review, where you can track the progress of the goals you made during the start of the year. In the Notion template, you can assign the category as well as status for each goal, and then create an updated goal if need be. 

personal mid year review step 3: rating

Personal Mid Year Review Step 3

Step 3, which is Rating, is pretty fun and interesting. Reflect on the first half of the year and rate each life area on a scale of 1 to 5 (or any other scale that you wish to use). In Notion, you can add or remove the life area cards according to what is relevant to you. Simply drag the cards to the ratings you assign to complete this step. 

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personal mid year review step 4: Consumptions


Personal Mid Year Review Step 4

The fourth step, Consumptions, is optional, but I think it’s fun to document the content that I have consumed during the past six months. I have created four categories for books, movies, drama series and courses, but again you can edit these categories according to your own liking and lifestyle. 

personal mid year review step 5: Recalibration

Personal Mid Year Review Step 5

And finally, the last step is to recalibrate the goals you have set. After reviewing the goals in Step 2, choose the top three most important ones that you would like to focus on. For each goal, you can set a habit to help you achieve it. The habit helps to ensure that you are working consistently towards the goal!

Free Personal Mid-Year Review Notion Template

To duplicate the free Notion template into your workspace, click the link below:

Free Personal Mid-Year Review Template

Personal Mid Year Review Step 1

More Notion Ideas

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more Notion ideas! Check out the following video for some life organisation page ideas:  



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Related articles, videos and resources:

  1. Article – 5 Notion Page Ideas to Organise Your Life (Free Template!)
  2. Video – 20 Useful Shortcuts & How To Customise Text & Text Background Colour 
  3. Article – Monthly Review Prompts (The Most Underrated Bujo Spread)
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