How To Use Your Bullet Journal for Self-Care

How To Use Your Bullet Journal for Self-Care

HAY! How art you? There is increased emphasis on self-care and self-love in recent years. Considering that we are living in the midst of a pandemic, there is no better time than now to join the bandwagon and shower yourself with a little more TLC. Self-care is not only for people struggling with mental health issues; everyone has mental health and just like how we strive to maintain our physical wellbeing, the same effort needs to be devoted for our mental wellbeing. If you are already using a bullet journal to organise your life, you can incorporate the following ideas in this article to create your own self-care plan in your journal.

1) good ol’ mood tracker

The good old mood tracker is considered a staple for many bujo artists. If you experience mood swings, it might be a good idea to track your daily mood and keep a lookout for patterns contributing to the fluctuations. 

Credit: @bujoholiczka

Credit: @jamiesbujo

2) sleep tracker

If you struggle with quality sleep, a sleep tracker may help you observe patterns and build a better sleep habit. You can track your sleep quality, or simply record your nightly sleep duration. 

Credit: @bujobylola

3) Workout Tracker

A workout tracker can be used to track the type of workout and duration. Simply adapt it according to the type of workout you do. And remember this, a daily five minutes walk is better than not moving at all! 

Credit: @eggyhues

4) Gratitude Log

Practising gratitude on a regular basis has been proven to contribute to better mental and physical health. This exercise can be as simple as jotting down one thing you are grateful for every night before you sleep.

Credit: @bubujournals

5) Brain Dump

Release pent-up emotions by letting them flow freely as words on a journal page, without worrying about the structure or grammar.

Credit: @larnisbujo

6) Period Tracker

My productivity dips drastically during my period, largely due to cramps and increased fatigue. Thus, I always try to get as much work done as I can during the weeks that I am period-free. If you are anything like me, a period tracker will definitely come in handy!

Credit: @agirlinthefield

7) Skincare Routine

A functional yet aesthetic spread idea, get creative while you plan your skincare routine. You can also make a list of skincare products you are keen to try!

Credit: @blackjours

Credit: @viaelle

8) Meal Plan

A meal plan spread may eliminate decision fatigue throughout the week and also motivate you to keep to a healthier diet. 

Credit: @samevanscreations

Credit: @craftydeesigns

9) Activities to Destress

Keep a handy list of activities for destress and refer to it when you feel the onset of a burnout. 

Credit: @artby.ineng

10) Highlight of the Day

Sometimes, days, weeks, and then months whizz past without us realising it. Here is an interesting spread to document a highlight for each day. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun to look back on some time down the road!

Credit: @bujobylola

Credit: @awng.bujo

11) Ideal Day Routine

Get on top of your productivity game and visualise your ideal day. Make this spread part of your vision board as an everyday motivation. 

Credit: @rucksacks_paperbacks

12) Affirmations

The best person to motivate you is yourself. Create a spread with affirmations and read them out loud at the start of the day or anytime you need a little perk-me-up. 

Credit: @nyxarts_

13) Reminders

Don’t underestimate the power of visual reminders. The act of writing down words of reminders also contributes to memory retention and you’ll be more likely to execute them! 


Credit: @journalismwithnoori

14) Weekly Reflection

If you don’t have time for daily logging, a weekly reflection spread might be a better fit for your schedule. Come up with a few prompts and questions that get you thinking about how your week went. These are some examples of prompts you can use:

– Three things I am grateful for

– Highlight of the week

– Three wins for the week

– One thing I learnt 

– One thing I can do to make the coming week better

Credit: @ksbujo_

15) Monthly Review

Review how your month went with a template that allows you to objectively review both the highs and lows. You can adapt the prompts from the previous idea to suit a monthly review spread. 

Credit: @divine_dragon_magic

Bonus: Self-Care Tracker

Lastly, what better way to create your self-care plan than to make a self-care tracker? Another idea is to embark on a personal self-care challenge and you can have fun striking each activity off your to-do list!

Credit: @oopsadaisyuk


To quote Brené Brown, “talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” We can all be our own best cheerleaders! Self-love should always be a priority and I hope these bullet journal ideas come in handy for your self-care journey. Check out the related videos and links below for more ideas and content!

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Related videos and links:

1) Book – The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll

2) Article – 20 Bullet Journal Spread Ideas to Get Your Life Organised

3) Article – Journaling Prompts From A To Z – The Ultimate List

4) Article – 15 Things Incredibly Happy Creatives Do by Creative Market

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How To Use Your Bullet Journal for Self-Care

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